3 Easy New Year's Resolutions for Marketers
We’re all doing our best. Right? Even so, the new year brings us new opportunities to step up our game. And that’s necessary. A recent Acquia study reported that two out of three consumers can’t remember the last time a brand exceeded their expectations. On the whole, we seem to be doing a passable job. But 2019 is the perfect time to start wowing our customers. How? With these three easy, actionable new year’s resolutions for marketers. So, without further ado, here are:
#1: Be authentic.
Customers crave authenticity. When you’re creating content, make sure it’s got some meat to it. It should be a reflection of your brand and, perhaps more importantly, the people that make it up. Say goodbye to generic templatized content. In 2019, seize the opportunity to dig into your differentiators and create content that really showcases what makes your brand special.
A great way to practice authenticity is to engage on social media. You probably post on a regular basis, but do you check in on those posts? Are you responding to the comments? Are you engaging with your customers there? Any bot can push content out on social channels. It takes a real human to interact. And since all authenticity asks is that you be yourself, this is one of the easiest new year’s resolutions for marketers.
#2: Measure more.
In 2019, there’s no excuse for not measuring the efficacy of your marketing efforts. There are countless tools and innumerable data points available to you. If you’re not using them, you’re missing out. How do you know if your marketing is successful? If you’re not measuring, you’re shooting blind.
The trick is figuring out which metrics will be most meaningful to you. Is it visitors to your site? Is it comments on your social media posts? Is it time on page for your long-form blogs? Start taking measurements and connecting them to wins. 2019 has a wealth of tools available to you. Figure out which ones will best serve you and get in the habit of employing them.
#3: Be flexible.
Technology is changing faster than ever before. No surprise there. So are you moving with it? Use the new year to start playing with new tech and new channels. Voice search, for example, is going to have to be a priority for your marketing department at some point in the near future. Why not get a jump on it and start learning the ropes now?
As you start to walk into new territory, your measurements will be especially important. What’s working? What do your customers seem excited about?
Similarly, be flexible with what you hold onto in 2019. How many of us will resolve to lose weight in the new year? It’s a good idea to trim the fat from your marketing department, too. Just because you’ve always done something doesn’t mean you should continue. Take a step back and appraise all of your marketing efforts. What doesn’t seem authentic? What isn’t delivering a reasonable MROI?
The new year is a fresh start. These new year’s resolutions for marketers should be enough to trigger some ideas so you can take advantage of it. Go get ‘em!